SOFWAVE Face Lift / Body Lift / Cellulite

Laurel Corrinne Studio is thrilled to offer Sofwave, a non-surgical alternative to a facelift, neck lift, brow lift, arm lift & cellulite reduction. Using proprietary Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam SUPERB™ technology, this FDA-cleared skin rejuvenation treatment targets layers of the skin, lifting and smoothing skin showing signs of aging and sagging, reducing the appearance of fine lines and shallow wrinkles. Most patients see improvement after just one treatment!

This treatment works on all ages to boost collagen, providing a solid foundation and improves results of all other collagen treatments offered at the studio.

Sofwave treatments are non-invasive and take only approximately 30 to 45 minutes for the full face and neck areas. With no downtime, Laurel Corrinne Studio clients can immediately return to normal activity.

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Sagging cheeks
Drooping Eyelids
Cellulite reduction

At Laurel Corrinne Studio we aim for the most improvement possible. Your second touch up treatment is complimentary at your 3 month follow up appointment.

Made in Webflow